I dream of the past, so I can break through
The walls I have built inside
The thoughts I can't grasp
Transparency through
They're constantly fight and collide
I'd love to see a different world
A place where you can't find me
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I dream of the past, so I can break through
The walls I have built inside
The thoughts I can't gras
"And life is like a pipe
And I'm a tiny penny
Rolling up the walls insid
And we built up castles, in the skys and in the sand.. design our own wo
"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afr
She’s my best friend, Break her Heart & I break your face.
She's my best friend.
Break her heart, and i'll break your face!
it was only just a dream that you loved me. :'(
it was only just a dream